Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen (FIBGA)
Liste der wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen und Beiträge des ehemaligen VLB-Forschungsinstituts für Bier- und Getränkeanalytik (heute Forschungsinstitut für Rohstoffe und Getränkeanalytik), Status Mai 2021
A. Fachartikel
- Lafontaine, S; Caffrey, A; Dailey, J; Varnum, S; Hale, A; Eichler, B; Dennenlöhr, J; Schubert, C; Knoke, L; Lerno, L; Dagan, L; Schönberger, C; Rettberg, N; Heymann, H; Ebeler; S E (2021) Evaluation of variety, maturity, and farm on the concentrations of monoterpene diglycosides and hop volatile/nonvolatile composition in five Humulus lupulus cultivars. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry; 69(15); 4356-4370. (https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jafc.0c07146)
- Lafontaine, S; Senn, K; Knoke, L; Schubert, C; Dennenlöhr, J; Maxminer, J; Cantu, A; Rettberg, N; Heymann, H (2020) Evaluating the chemical components and flavor characteristics responsible for triggering the perception of “beer flavor” in non-alcoholic beer. Foods; 9(12); 1914. (https://www.mdpi.com/2304-8158/9/12/1914)
- Dennenlöhr, J; Thörner, S; Rettberg N (2020) Analysis of hop-derived thiols in beer using on-fiber derivatization in combination with HS-SPME and GC-MS/MS. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry; 68(50); 15036-15047. (https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jafc.0c06305)
- Dennenlöhr, J; Thörner, S; Maxminer, J; Rettberg, N (2020) Analysis of selected staling aldehydes in wort and beer by GC-EI-MS/MS using HS-SPME with on-fiber derivatization. Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists; 78(4); 284-298. (https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03610470.2020.1795478)
- Lafontaine, S; Senn, K; Dennenlöhr, J; Schubert, C; Knoke, L; Maxminer, J; Cantu, A; Rettberg, N; Heymann, H (2020). Characterizing volatile and nonvolatile factors influencing flavor and American consumer preference toward nonalcoholic beer. ACS omega; 5(36); 23308-23321. (https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsomega.0c03168)
- Rettberg, N (2020). Chapter 2: Instrumental analysis of hop aroma in beer: The challenges of transforming a research application into a QC tool. In Shellhammer, T H and Lafontaine, S R (eds.) Hop Flavor and Aroma: Proceedings of the 2nd International Brewers Symposium. American Association of Brewing Chemists and Master Brewers Association of the Americas, St. Paul, US.
- Rettberg, N; Schubert, C; Dennenlöhr, J; Thörner, S; Knoke, L; Maxminer, J (2020) Instability of hop-derived 2-methylbutyl isobutyrate during aging of commercial pasteurized and unpasteurized ales. Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists; 78(3); 175-184. (https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03610470.2020.1738742)
- Dennenlöhr, J; Thörner, S; Manowski, A; Rettberg, N (2020) Analysis of selected hop aroma compounds in commercial lager and craft beers using HS-SPME-GC-MS/MS. Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists; 78(1); 16-31. (https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03610470.2019.1668223)
- Rettberg, N; Biendl, M; Garbe, L-A (2018) Hop aroma and hoppy beer flavor: Chemical backgrounds and analytical tools—A review. Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists; 76(1); 1-20. (https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03610470.2017.1402574)
- Zech, J; Manowski, A; Malchow, S; Rettberg, N; Garbe, L-A (2015) Determination of bisphenols, bisphenol A diglycidyl ether (BADGE), BADGE chlorohydrins and hydrates from canned beer by high-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. BrewingScience – Monatsschrift für Brauwissenschaft; 68(9/10); 102-109. (https://www.brewingscience.de/index.php?tpl=table_of_contents&year=2015&edition=0009%2F0010&article=87011)
- Rettberg, N; Thörner, S; Labus, A; Garbe, L-A (2014) Aroma active monocarboxylic acids – Origin and analytical characterization in fresh and aged hops. BrewingScience – Monatsschrift für Brauwissenschaft; 67(3/4); 33-47. (https://www.brewingscience.de/index.php?tpl=table_of_contents&year=2014&edition=0003%2F0004&article=84487)
- Rettberg, N; Thörner, S; Garbe, L-A (2014) Die Lipide des Hopfens. Brauwelt 10; 269-273. (https://www.brauwelt.com/de/themen/rohstoffe/584815-die-lipide-des-hopfens?mark=lipide+hopfens)
- Rettberg, N; Thörner, S; Garbe, L-A (2013) Starting hop lipidomics - Isolation and characterization of non-polar, neutral and polar hop lipids. BrewingScience – Monatsschrift für Brauwissenschaft; 66(11/12); 176-184. (https://www.brewingscience.de/index.php?tpl=table_of_contents&year=2013&edition=0011%2F0012&article=83835)
- Rettberg, N; Thörner, S; Garbe, L-A (2013) Hopfenölanalytik – ein Überblick. Brauwelt; 18-19; 546-549. (https://www.brauwelt.com/de/themen/rohstoffe/585857-hopfenoelanalytik-%E2%80%93-ein-ueberblick?mark=Hopfen%C3%B6lanalytik)
- Hofmann, R; Weber, S; Rettberg, N; Thörner, S; Garbe, L-A; Folz, R (2013) Optimization of the hHop kilning process to improve energy efficiency and recover hop oils. BrewingScience – Monatsschrift für Brauwissenschaft; 66(3/4); 23-30. (https://www.brewingscience.de/index.php?tpl=table_of_contents&year=2013&edition=0003%2F0004&article=82657)
- Rettberg, N; Thörner, S; and Garbe, L-A (2012) Bugging hop analysis – on the isomerization and oxidation of terpene alcohols during steam distillation. BrewingScience – Monatsschrift für Brauwissenschaft; 65 (7/8); 112-117. (https://www.brewingscience.de/index.php?tpl=table_of_contents&year=2012&edition=0007%2F0008&article=81426)
- Rettberg, N and Garbe, L-A (2012) Der olfaktorische Code - Wie nehmen wir flüchtige Aromastoffe wahr? Getränkeindustrie; 10; 32-35. (https://fzarchiv.sachon.de/Zeitschriftenarchiv/Getraenke-Fachzeitschriften/Getraenkeindustrie/2012/10_12/GI_10-12_32-35_Der_olfaktorische_Code.pdf#all_thumb)
- Garbe, L-A; Neumann, K; Rettberg, N (2012) Cuán peligroso es la liberación de bisfenol de latasparaun consumidor de cerveza. Brauwelt en ESPANOL; 16; 108-110.
- Garbe, L-A and Rettberg, N (2011) The power of stable isotope dilution assays in brewing. BrewingScience – Monatsschrift für Brauwissenschaft; 64(11/12); 140-150. (https://www.brewingscience.de/index.php?tpl=table_of_contents&year=2011&edition=0011%2F0012&article=80140)
- Garbe, L-A; Neumann, K; Rettberg, N (2011) Stellt die Freisetzung von Bisphenol A aus Bierdosen eine Gefahr für Biertrinker dar? Brauwelt; 19-20; 610-612. (https://www.brauwelt.com/de/themen/diverses/588531-stellt-freisetzung-bisphenol-a-aus-bierdosen-eine-gefahr-biertrinker-dar?mark=stellt+freisetzung+bisphenol+bierdosen+gefahr+biertrinker+dar%3F)
- Garbe, L-A; Neumann, K; Rettberg, N (2011) Bisphenol A – A problem for consumers of canned beer? BrewingScience – Monatsschrift für Brauwissenschaft; 63(9/10); 122-127. (https://www.brauwelt.com/de/themen/diverses/588531-stellt-freisetzung-bisphenol-a-aus-bierdosen-eine-gefahr-biertrinker-dar?mark=stellt+freisetzung+bisphenol+bierdosen+gefahr+biertrinker+dar%3F)
B. Tagungsbeiträge
- Knoke, L; Rettberg, N; Hildebrandt, J; Maxminer, J; Thörner, S (2019) Exploring the diversity of hop-derived bitter acids in beer using data-independent acquisition (DIA). [Vortrag]; Annual Meeting of the American Society of Brewing Chemists 2019; New Orleans (US); 24.-26.06.2019
- Schubert, C; Dennenlöhr, J; Thörner, S; Maxminer, J; Rettberg, N (2019) The contribution of staling aldehydes to the flavor (in)stability of hoppy ales. [Poster]; Annual Meeting of the American Society of Brewing Chemists 2019; New Orleans (US); 24.-26.06.2019
- Knoke, L; Rettberg, N; Hildebrandt, J; Maxminer, J; Thörner, S (2019) Exploring hop derived contributors to beer bitterness using data-independent acquisition (DIA). [Vortrag]; 37th Congress of the European Brewery Convention; Antwerpen (BE); 02.-06.06.2019
- Thörner, S; Dennenlöhr, J; Rettberg, N (2019) Critical assessment of calibration strategies for effective beer flavor analysis by solid-phase microextraction (SPME). [Vortrag]; 37th Congress of the European Brewery Convention; Antwerpen (BE); 02.-06.06.2019
- Schubert, C; Dennenlöhr, J; Thörner, S; Maxminer, J; Rettberg, N (2019) The contribution of staling aldehydes to the flavor (in)stability of hoppy ales. [Poster]; 37th Congress of the European Brewery Convention; Antwerpen (BE); 02.-06.06.2019
- Knoke, L; Thörner, S; Rettberg, N (2018) Untargeted metabolomics: Applications in beer quality control and brewing research. [Vortrag]; Young Scientists Symposium on Malting, Brewing and Distilling; Bitburg/Trier (DE); 12.-14.09.2018
- Dennenlöhr, J; Thörner, S; Rettberg, N (2018) Rapid and solvent-less analysis of thiols in brewing samples. [Poster]; Young Scientists Symposium on Malting, Brewing and Distilling; Bitburg/Trier (DE); 12.-14.09.2018
- Schubert, C; Thörner, S; Rettberg, N (2018) Flavor stability of top fermented hoppy beers. [Poster]; Young Scientists Symposium on Malting, Brewing and Distilling; Bitburg/Trier (DE); 12.-14.09.2018
- Rettberg, N; Dennenlöhr, J; Thörner, S (2018) One fits all – An automated, GC-MS/MS based assay for quantitative analysis of thiols in hops and hoppy beer. [Vortrag]; EBC Symposium “Recent Advances in Hop Science”; Nürnberg & Spalt (DE); 09.-11.09.2018
- Knoke, L; Schiebenhöfer, H; Thörner, S; Rettberg, N (2018) Profiling of brewing samples by UPLC-ESI-Q-ToF-MS. [Poster]; Brewing Summit 2018; San Diego (US); 12.-15.08.2018
- Rettberg, N; Dennenlöhr, J; Thörner, S (2018) Rapid and solvent-less analysis of thiols in brewing samples. [Vortrag]; Brewing Summit 2018; San Diego (US); 12.-15.08.2018
- Rettberg, N (2018) Lipide im Brauprozess. [Vortrag] 51. Technologisches Seminar Weihenstephan; Freising (DE), 20.-22.02.2018 und 26.-28.02.2018
- Rettberg, N (2018) Online, at-line, offline – Herausforderungen in der Bierbitterstoffanalytik. [Vortrag] 105. Brau- und machschinentechnische Arbeitstagung, Dortmund (DE), 05.-06.03.2018
- Rettberg, N (2017) Product diversity from a laboratory's perspective – Nobody said it was easy. [Vortrag]; 5th Brewing Conference Bangkok; Bangkok (TH); 11.-13.06.2017
- Rettberg, N (2017) Bridging significant gaps? Application of a metabolomics platform in beer quality control. [Vortrag]; Annual Meeting of the American Society of Brewing Chemists 2017; Fort Myers (US); 05.-08.06.2017
- Hildebrandt, J; Thörner, S; Rettberg, N (2017) Dilute and Shoot -Comprehensive LC-Q-ToF-MS analysis of beer bitter acids. [Poster]; Annual Meeting of the American Society of Brewing Chemists 2017; Fort Myers (US); 05.-08.06.2017
- Schubert, C; Thörner, S; Rettberg, N (2017) HS-SPME-FID driven beer profiling targeting aroma active monocarboxylic acids. [Poster]; Annual Meeting of the American Society of Brewing Chemists 2017; Fort Myers (US); 05.-08.06.2017
- Koserske, J; Thörner, S; Rettberg, N (2017) Rapid quantification of major hop aroma compounds in beer by static headspace GC-MS. [Poster]; Annual Meeting of the American Society of Brewing Chemists 2017; Fort Myers (US); 05.-08.06.2017
- Rettberg, N (2016) Analyzing hoppy beer flavor – The winding road of a research tool merging into brewery quality control. [Vortrag]; World Brewing Congress 2016; Denver (US); 13.-17.08.2016
- Maxminer, J; Koserske, J; Thörner, S; Rettberg, N (2016) Chasing staling aldehydes – A unique application of HS-SPME-GC-MS/MS in brewing. [Vortrag]; World Brewing Congress 2016; Denver (US); 13.-17.08.2016
- Koserske, J; Thörner, S; Rettberg, N (2016) Chasing volatiles - Gas chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS) in beer flavor analysis. [Poster]; 5th Young Scientist Symposium; Chico (US); 21.-23.04.2016
- Rettberg, N (2016) Idee – Entwicklung - Bestseller? Stolpersteine in der Analytik und Deklaration neuartiger Bier- und Getränkekreationen. [Vortrag]; 103. Brau- und machschinentechnische Arbeitstagung; Soest (DE); 07.-09.03.2016
- Rettberg, N; Thörner, S; Koserske, J (2015) Aroma of late and dry hopped beers - Myths, facts or something in between. [Vortrag]; 4th European MicroBrew Symposium; Nürnberg (DE); 09.11.2015
- Rettberg, N (2015) Die unendliche Geschichte der Geschmacksstabilität – Einflussfaktoren und analytische Werkzeuge. [Vortrag]; 11. Russisches Symposium für die Brau- und Getränkeindustrie; Moskau (RU); 06.-08.10.2015
- Rettberg, N (2015) Weichmacher in Lebensmitteln und Getränken: Quellen, Auftreten und Analytik. [Vortrag]; 11. Russisches Symposium für die Brau- und Getränkeindustrie; Moskau (RU); 06.-08.10.2015
- Rettberg, N (2015) Hopfenaroma in Bier - Was Brauer wissen müssen, sollten und könnten. [Vortrag]; 6. Russisches MicroBrew Seminar; Moskau (RU); 06.-08.10.2015
- Rettberg, N; Thörner, S; Koserske, J (2015) Analytische und sensorische Charakterisierung der Stabilität hopfenaromatischer Biere. [2015]; 102. VLB-Oktobertagung; Berlin (DE); 05.-06.10.2015
- Rettberg, N (2015) Flavor stability Browsing new chapters of this never-ending story. [Vortrag]; 6. Iberoamerikanisches VLB Symposium; Itupeva (BR); 21.-23.09.2015
- Rettberg, N; Thörner, S (2015) Permeation of volatile organic compounds into packaged beer – Tools for practice oriented simulation and analysis. [Vortrag]; Annual Meeting of the American Society of Brewing Chemists 2015; La Quinta (US); 14.-17.06.2015
- Rettberg, N; Thörner, S (2015) On the wine cork taint 2,4,6-Trichloroanisole (TCA) and its relevance for brewers. [Poster]; 35th Congress of the European Brewery Convention; Porto (PT); 24.-28.05.2015
- Rettberg, N (2015) Gaschromatographie Tandem-Massenspektrometrie - Auf Spurensuche in Bier und Getränken. [Vortrag]; 103. Brau- und maschinentechnische Arbeitstagung; Dresden (DE); 16.-18.03.2015
- Rettberg, N (2014) Metabolomics - A holistic approach to analyze beer flavour. [Vortrag]; 3rd International China Brewing Conference; Peking (CN); 10.-12.10.2014
- Rettberg, N (2014) Analytische Charakterisierung der Hopfenlipide und Diskussion ihres Beitrags zum Gushingphänomen. [Vortrag]; 43. Internationales Braugerstenseminar; Berlin (DE); 30.09.2014
- Rettberg, N (2014) From the Cone to the Glass - Technological and Analytical Challenges of Hoppy Beer flavour. [Vortrag]; 6. Iberoamerikanisches VLB Symposium; Madrid (ES); 17.-19.09.2014
- Rettberg, N; Thörner, S; Garbe, L-A (2014) Retooling hop oil analysis - Enantioselective gas chromatography – mass spectrometry empowers the investigation of flavour and bioactive compounds. [Poster]; Brewing Summit 2014; Chicago (US); 04.-07.06.2014
- Rettberg, N; Püschel, M; Garbe, L-A (2014) Practical considerations of lipid analysis in brewing – A case study. [Vortrag]; Brewing Summit 2014; Chicago (US); 04.-07.06.2014
- Garbe, L-A; Rettberg, N; Püschel, M; Mengdehl, M (2014) The occurrence of trihydroxy fatty acids in beer – myths, facts, recent findings and future trends. [Poster]; Brewing Summit 2014; Chicago (US); 04.-07.06.2014
- Rettberg, N; Thörner, S; Labus, A; Garbe, L-A (2014) Identification and quantification of short chain monocarboxylic acids from aging hops by a stable isotope dilution assay (SIDA). [Poster]; 11th Trends in Brewing; Ghent (BE); 13.-17.04.2014
- Rettberg, N; Kolbowski, L; Garbe, L-A (2014) Analysis of alkanals, 2-alkenals and 2,4-alkadienals from alcohol free beer by offline-SPE GC-NCI-SIM-MS of their O-(2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorobenzyl) oximes. [Poster]; 11th Trends in Brewing; Ghent (BE); 13.-17.04.2014
- Rettberg, N und Garbe, L-A (2014) Permeation flüchtiger organischer Stoffe durch Getränkeverpackungen – Praxisnahe Simulation und Analytik. [Vortrag]; 101. Brau- und machschinentechnische Arbeitstagung; Donaueschingen (DE); 10.-12.03.2014
- Garbe, L-A; Rettberg, N (2013) Bier in PET-Flaschen - Migration und Permeation als Feinde der Produktqualität und Lebensmittelsicherheit? [Vortrag]; 9. Russisches Symposium für die Brau- und Getränkeindustrie; Moskau (RU); 25.-28.11.2013
- Garbe, L-A; Rettberg, N (2013) Lebensmittelsensorik und Metabolitanalytik – Der Beginn einer wunderbaren Freundschaft. [Vortrag]; 100. VLB-Oktobertagung; Berlin (DE); 28.-29.9.2013
- Rettberg, N; Kolbowski, L; Garbe, L-A (2013) Alterungscarbonyle in alkoholfreiem Bier - Analytik ihrer O-(2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorobenzyl)oxime mittels offline-SPE GC-NCI-SIM-MS. [Vortrag]; 42. Deutscher Lebensmittelchemikertag; Braunschweig (DE); 16.-18.09.2013
- Rettberg, N; Garbe, L-A (2013) Hop Lipids – A comprehensive overview with regard to beer foam, (off)flavor, and gushing. [Vortrag]; 34th International Congress of the European Brewery Convention (EBC); Luxembourg (LU); 26.-30.05.2013
- Rettberg, N; Garbe, L-A (2012) Stable isotope dilution technique and mass spectrometry - application and advantages in hop oil analysis. [Vortrag]; 3rd International Young Scientists Symposium for the Brewing, Distilling and Malting Sectors; Nottingham (UK); 23.-25.10.2012
Nils Rettberg

Dr.-Ing. Nils Rettberg
Institutsleiter FIRGA