FIBW Veröffentlichungen
Liste der wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen und Beiträge des Forschungsinstituts für Biotechnologie und Wasser (Status Mai 2021)
A. Fachartikel
- Köhler, S; Schmacht, M; Troubounis, A; Ludszuweit, M; Rettberg, N; Senz, M (2021) Tradition as a stepping stone for a microbial defined water kefir fermentation process – insights in cell growth, bioflavoring and sensory perception. Frontiers in Microbiology; 12:732019. (https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmicb.2021.732019/full)
- Schmitt, D,; Hageböck, M.,; Fuchs, J.; Frenzel, J.,; Geier, M.,; Rettberg, N.,; Senz, M. (2020) Hard Seltzer: wenige Rohstoffe – komplexes Produkt. Brauwelt; 160(45); 1197-1200. (https://www.brauwelt.com/de/themen/gaerung-lagerung/642247-hard-seltzer-wenige-roh%C2%ADstoffe-%E2%80%93-komplexes-produkt)
- Ludszuweit, M; Schmacht, M; Keil, C; Haase, H; Senz, M (2020) Impact of media heat treatment on cell morphology and stability of L. acidophilus, L. johnsonii and L. delbrueckii subsp. delbrueckii during fermentation and processing. Fermentation; 6(4); 94. (https://www.mdpi.com/2311-5637/6/4/94/htm)
- Köhler, S; Schmacht, M; Malchow, S; Wolff, L; Senz, M (2020) Preparation of freeze dried and vacuum dried yeast starter cultures: evaluation of relevant viability detection analyses. BrewingScience – Monatsschrift für Brauwissenschaft; 73 (3/4), 41-50. (https://www.brewingscience.de/index.php?tpl=table_of_contents&year=2020&edition=0003%2F0004&article=92741)
- Senz, M; Keil, C; Schmacht, M; Palinski, S; Cämmerer, B; Hageböck. M (2019) Influence of media heat sterilization process on growth performance of representative strains of the genus Lactobacillus. Fermentation; 5(1); 20. (https://www.mdpi.com/2311-5637/5/1/20)
- Malchow, S; Borowski, J; Senz, M (2019) Combining modern process technology and traditional sour fermented beverages. Brauerei Forum International; 5; 7-10.
- Senz, M; Kiewlicz, K; Malchow, S (2019) Getränke zwischen Tradition und Moderne: Nutzung der Bioprozesstechnik in der Herstellung von Wasserkefir. GIT Labor Fachzeitschrift; 4; 34-36. (https://analyticalscience.wiley.com/do/10.1002/gitfach.18059/full/)
- Goodarzi Boroojeni, F; Kozlowski, K; Jankowski, J; Senz, M; Wiśniewska, M; Boros, D; Drażbo, A; Zentek, J (2018) Fermentation and enzymatic treatment of pea for turkey nutrition. Animal Feed Science and Technology; 237; 78-88. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0377840117311975)
- Goodarzi Boroojeni, F; Senz, M; Kozłowski, K; Rose, D; Männer, K; Zentek, J (2017) The effects of fermentation and enzymatic treatment of pea on nutrient digestibility and growth performance of broilers. Animal; 11(10); 1698-1707. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1751731117000787)
- Hageböck, M; Cöllü, I; Dounia, S; Schmacht, M; Senz, M (2017) Comparison of different methods for the determination of yeast cell concentration. Brauerei Forum International; 5; 10-13.
- Schmacht, M; Lorenz, E; Senz, M (2017) Microbial production of glutathione. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology; 33(6); 106. (https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11274-017-2277-7)
- Schmacht, M; Lorenz, E; Senz, M (2017) Medium optimization based on yeast’s elemental composition for glutathione production in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering; 123(5); 555-561. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1389172316306612)
- Lorenz, E; Runge, D; Marbá-Ardèbol, A-M; Schmacht, M; Stahl, U; Senz, M (2017) Systematic development of a two-stage fed-batch process for lipid accumulation in Rhodotorula glutinis. Journal of Biotechnology; 246; 4-15. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0168165617300731)
- Lorenz, E; Schmacht, M; Senz, M (2016) Evaluation of cysteine ethyl ester as efficient inducer for glutathione overproduction in Saccharomyces spp. Enzyme and Microbial Technology; 93-94; 122-131. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S014102291630148X)
- Ziegler, A; Schock-Kusch, D; Kapoustina, V; Braun, F., Dounia, S; Stahl, U; Rädle, M (2016) Einfluss des Nährmediums auf die Bewegungscharakteristik von Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. Chemie Ingenieur Technik; 88(6); 809-817. (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/cite.201500090)
- Hageböck, M; Senz, M; Reimann, S; Ende, B; Diniz, P (2015) Anwendungen der Rasterelektronenmikroskopie an der VLB Berlin. Brauerei Forum; 12; 10-12.
- Schmacht, M; Lorenz, E; Stahl, U; Senz, M (2015) Neue Fermentationsstrategien zur Glutathionproduktion mit Saccharomyces spp. Brauerei Forum; 8; 12-13.
- Schmacht, M; Lorenz, E; Stahl, U; Senz, M (2015) New fermentation strategy for glutathione production in Saccharomyces spp. Brauerei Forum International; 5; 16-17.
- Lorenz, E; Schmacht, M; Stahl, U; Senz, M (2015) Enhanced incorporation yield of cysteine for glutathione overproduction by fed-batch fermentation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Journal of Biotechnology; 216; 131-139. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0168165615301644)
- Hageböck, M; Stahl, U; Bader, J (2014) Stability of creatine derivatives during simulated digestion in an in vitro model. Food & Function; 5(2); 359-363. (https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2014/fo/c3fo60453e#!divAbstract)
- Senz, M; van Lengerich, B; Bader, J; Stahl, U (2014) Control of cell morphology of probiotic Lactobacillus acidophilus for enhanced cell stability during industrial processing. International Journal of Food Microbiology; 192; 34-42. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0168160514004784)
- Albin, A; Dounia, S; Schütt, D; Garbe, L-A; Stahl, U; Bader, J (2014) Validierung von Sterilisationsprozessen. Brauwelt; 45; 1366-1370. (https://www.brauwelt.com/de/themen/reinigung-desinfektion/583967-validierung-sterilisationsprozessen?mark=validierung+sterilisationsprozessen)
- Popović, M K; Senz, M; Bader, J; Skelac, L; Schilf, W; Bajpai, R (2014) Positive effect of reduced aeration rate on secretion of alpha-amylase and neutral proteases during pressurized fermentation of thermophilic Bacillus caldolyticus. New Biotechnology; 31(2); 141-149. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1871678413001362)
- Schütt, D; Hageböck, M; Bader, J; Stahl U; Garbe, L-A (2013) Verhalten und Analytik von Anthocyanen im simulierten in-vitro Verdauungsmodell. Deutsche Lebensmittelrundschau, Sonderthema: Analytik pflanzlicher Lebensmittel; 109(1); 40-47.
- Riedel, S L; Brigham, C J; Budde, C F; Bader, J; Rha, C K; Stahl, U; Sinskey, A J (2013) Recovery of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexanoate) from Ralstonia eutropha cultures with non-halogenated solvents. Biotechnology and Bioengineering; 110(2); 461-470. (https://www.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/bit.24713)
- Senz, M; van Lengerich, B; Stahl, U; Bader, J (2012) Control of cell morphology of Lactobacillus acidophilus for enhanced cell stability during freeze-drying and storage. New Biotechnology; 29; 208. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1871678412007376?via%3Dihub)
- Senz, M (2012) Innovative Prozessansätze zur Herstellung von Bakterienpräparationen: Prozesstechnische Stabilisierung des probiotischen Milchsäurebakteriums Lactobacillus acidophilus. Südwestdeutscher Verlag für Hochschulschriften, ISBN: 9783838133744.
- Bader, J; Skelac, L; Wewetzer, S; Senz, M; Popović, M; Bajpai, R (2012) Effect of CO2 partial pressure on the production of thermostable α-amylase and neutral protease by Bacillus caldolyticus. Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology; 48; 182-187. (https://link.springer.com/article/10.1134/S0003683812020032)
- Riedel, S L; Bader, J; Brigham, C J; Budde, C F; Yusof, Z A M; Rha, C K; Sinskey, A J (2012) Production of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexanoate) by Ralstonia eutropha in high cell density palm oil fermentations. Biotechnology and Bioengineering; 109(1); 74-83. (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/bit.23283)
- Bader, J; Popović, M K; Stahl, U (2012) Processing, consumption and effects of probiotic microorganisms. In Doelle, H W; Rokem, S; Berovic, M (eds.) Encyclopedia of Biotechnology. Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK.
- Baki, I; Stahl, U; Bader, J (2011) Co-Kultivierungen in der Getränkeherstellung. Brauwelt; 36; 1098-1101.(https://www.brauwelt.com/de/themen/qualitaetssicherung/588105-co-kultivierungen-in-getraenkeherstellung?mark=co-kultivierungen+getr%C3%A4nkeherstellung)
- Schütt, D; Hageböck, M; Bader, J; Mast-Gerlach, E; Stahl, U; Garbe, L-A (2011) Microbial metabolism of secondary plant metabolites by a simulated digestion model. Current Opinion in Biotechnology; 22(Suppl. 1); S97. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0958166911003922)
- Baki, I; Schütt, D; Bader, J; Mast-Gerlach, E; Garbe, L-A; Stahl, U (2011) Functional, fermented beverages based on malted cereals and fruit components. Current Opinion in Biotechnology; 22(Suppl. 1); S98. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0958166911003934)
- Bader, J; Mast-Gerlach, E; Popović, M K; Bajpai, R; Stahl, U (2010) Relevance of microbial coculture fermentations in biotechnology. Journal of Applied Microbiology; 109(2); 371-387. (https://sfamjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1365-2672.2009.04659.x)
- Popovic, M K; Senz, M; Bader, J (2009) Effect of an elevated carbon dioxide partial pressure on the production of thermostable alpha-amylase and protease from Bacillus caldolyticus. New Biotechnology; 25(Suppl. 1); S193. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1871678409002179)
B. Präsentationen
- Senz, M (2021) Studies for in the assessment of yeast viability in liquid and dry preparations. [Vortrag]; 2nd VLB International Brewing Web Conference; virtuelle Veranstaltung; 16.-18.11.2021
- Senz, M. (2021) Von Kombucha zu Hard Seltzer – Entwicklungen in der Getränkeindustrie und deren Bedeutung für die Forschung an der VLB. [Vortrag] VLB-Jahrestagung 2021: VLB-Forschungskolloquium 2021, virtuelle Veranstaltung; 25.-28.10.2021.
- Ludszuweit, M. (2021) Co-Kultivierung funktionaler Fermentationsgetränke. [Vortrag]; VLB-Jahrestagung 2021: VLB-Forschungskolloquium 2021, virtuelle Veranstaltung; 25.-28.10.2021.
- Senz, M (2021) Current developments in the field of sour fermented beverages. [Vortrag]; 2nd VLB symposium on acidic fermented non-alcoholic beverages (SAFB); virtuelle Veranstaltung; 25.-27.05.2021
- Somani, A, Köhler, S (2021) Understanding yeast extract and its application for the development of fermented beverages. [Vortrag] 2nd VLB symposium on acidic fermented non-alcoholic beverages (SAFB); virtuelle Veranstaltung; 25.-27.05.2021
- Schaller, I, Schmacht, M (2021) Bioreactors for the knowledge-based development of complex beverage fermentations. [Vortrag]; 2nd VLB symposium on acidic fermented non-alcoholic beverages (SAFB); virtuelle Veranstaltung; 25.-27.05.2021
- Senz, M (2021) Acidic Fermented Beverages as a Driver for Innovation and Functionality? [Vortrag] BevTech 2021: ISBT's 68th Annual Meeting; Virtuelle Veranstaltung; 27.-29.04.2021.
- Schmacht, M; Hamelmann, C; Hans, S; Cruz Bournazou, M N; Neubauer, P; Senz, M (2021) The batch brewing process represented by a mechanistic model. [Poster]; 6th BioProScale Symposium 2021; Berlin (DE); 29.-31.03.2021.
- Köhler, S; Wolff, L; Schmacht, M; Malchow, S; Senz, M (2021) Comparison of different analytical methods for the assessment of viability during the production and storage of yeast preparations. [Poster]; 6th BioProScale Symposium 2021; Berlin (DE); 29.-31.03.2021.
- Senz, M. (2021) Einfluss von Maillard-Reaktionsprodukten auf die Eigenschaften von Milchsäurebakterien. [Vortrag]; VLB Forschungskolloquium; virtuelle Veranstaltung; 27.01.2021.
- Köhler, S; Schmacht, M; Malchow, S; Senz, M (2020) Challenges in the assessment of yeast viability during the preparation of dried starter cultures. [Vortrag]; 1st VH Online Yeast Conference; virtuelle Veranstaltung; 15.09.2020
- Senz, M. (2020) Acidic fermented beverages: Playground for functionality and innovation. [Vortrag]; 1st International Brewing Web Conference (IBWC); virtuelle Veranstaltung; 1.-3.12.2020.
- Malchow, S (2019) Sour fermented alcohol free beverages – Setting new standards. [Vortrag]; 106. VLB Oktobertagung; Berlin (DE); 14.-15.10.2019.
- Schmacht, M (2019) Efficiently enhancing productivity – new approaches for High Gravity Brewing. [Vortrag]; 106. VLB Oktobertagung; Berlin (DE); 14.-15.10.2019.
- Senz, M (2019) Nützliche Mikrobiologie: Aktuelles zur F&E sauer fermentierter Getränke. [Vortrag]; 1. Symposium fermentierte alkoholfreie Getränke; Berlin (DE); 27.-28.05.2019.
- Schmacht, M; Hamelmann, C; Hans, S; Cruz Bournazou, M N; Neubauer, P; Senz, M (2019) A mechanistic model for batch brewing fermentations. [Poster]; Emerging Applications of Microbes; Leuven (BE); 03.-04.06.2019.
- Schmacht, M (2019) Potentiale der Durchflusszytometrie in der Brauanalytik. [Vortrag]; Optische Überwachungstechnologien in Brauereiprozessen; Berlin (DE); 27.03.2019.
- Senz, M. (2018) Acidic fermented beverages: Trends, functionality, production. [Vortrag]; 6th European MicroBrew Symposium; Nürnberg (DE); 12.11.2018.
- Schmacht, M; Degen, A; Dounia, S; Hageböck, M; Senz, M (2018) Usage of various process analytical technologies (PAT) for evaluation of Lactobacillus acidophilus fermentation. [Poster]; 5th BioProScale Symposium 2018; Berlin (DE); 20.-22.03.2018.
- Senz, M (2018) Sauer fermentierte Getränke –zwischen Hype und Funktionalität. [Vortrag]; 105. VLB Oktobertagung; Berlin (DE); 09.10.2018.
- Senz, M (2018) Funktionalität und Charisma für Getränke. [Vortrag]; Design Conference Brandenburg 2018; Potsdam (DE); 29.06.2018.
- Schmacht, M; Malchow, S; Woest, H; Hageböck, M; Senz, M (2018) Current research for the production of Kombucha starter cultures. [Poster]; 31st VHYC Yeast Conference; Leuven (BE), 16.-17.04.2018.
- Senz, M (2017) Application of flow cytometry in beverage industry and yeast fermentation. [Vortrag]; International Brewery Day 2017; Berlin/Potsdam (DE); 29.11.-01.12.2017.
- Senz, M (2017) Fermentation im Fokus: Schnittmengen des Fachgebietes Bioprozesstechnik und Angewandte Mikrobiologie und der Spirituosenherstellung. [Vortrag]; 15. IfGB-Forum; Dresden-Radebeul (DE); 27.09.2017.
- Senz, M; Palinski, S; Dounia, S; Schmacht, M; Hageböck, M (2017) Impact of culture conditions on the stability properties of Lactobacillus acidophilus during further processing. [Poster] International Symposium on Microbial Research and Biotechnology for Biomass Utilization, The 4th Satellite Seminar; Berlin (DE); 04.09.2017.
- Hannemann, F; Albin, A; Bader, J; Prowe, S; Senz, M; Dounia, S; Moeller, R (2017) Study of analysis methods to monitor sporulation during fermentation of Bacillus subtilis to produce endospores. [Poster]; 19th International Conference on Bacilli & Gram-Positive Bacteria – Abstract book; Berlin (DE); 11.-15.06.2017.
- Cöllü, I; Thiele, F; Uhde, C; Senz, M; Pahl, R (2017) Characterization and Modification of Industrial Ale Yeast strains. [Poster]; 33rd International Specialised Symposium on Yeast; Cork (IE); 26.-29.06.2017.
- Cöllü, I; Thiele, F; Uhde, C; Senz, M; Pahl, R (2017) Modification and Differentiation of Ale Yeast. [Poster]; 36th EBC Congress; Ljubljana (SI); 14.-18.05.2017.
- Dounia, S; Angersbach, A; Senz, M (2017) Prozesskontrolle mittels elektrooptischer Messung von Bacillus-Kulturen im Bioreaktor. [Poster]; BioProcessingDays; Recklinghausen (DE); 20.-22.02.2017.
- Senz, M; Lorenz, E; Schmacht, M (2016) Production of glutathione enriched yeast: Opportunities for process optimization. [Vortrag]; 29th International VH Yeast Conference; Marienfeld (DE); 19.-20.04.2016.
- Schmacht, M; Lorenz, E; Runge, D; Hageböck, M; Senz, M (2016) Application of flow cytometry for bioprocess development of yeast fermentation. [Poster]; 29th International VH Yeast Conference; Marienfeld (DE); 19.-20.04.2016.
- Senz, M; Lorenz, E; Schmacht, M (2016) Different process strategies for the Glutathione overproduction in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. [Vortrag]; 4th BioProScale Symposium; Berlin (DE); 06.-08.04.2016.
- Schmacht, M; Lorenz, E; Senz, M (2016) Alternative bioprocessing strategies for glutathione production in Saccharomyces spp. [Poster]; BioProcessingDays; Recklinghausen (DE); 22.-24.02.2016.
- Albin, A; Taftazani, A; Herdt, D; Schlachter, K; Brunner, J; Senz, M; Rädle, M; Bader, J (2016) Lokalisation und Desinfektion von mikrobiologischen Kontaminationen in Rohrleitungssystemen durch ein In-Line Mess- und Reinigungssystem. [Poster]; BioProcessingDays; Recklinghausen (DE); 22.-24.02.2016.
- Senz, M; Hageböck, M; Lorenz, E; Schmacht, M (2015) Möglichkeiten der Flowcytometrie in der Forschung und Entwicklung von Hefefermentationen. [Vortrag]; 102. Oktobertagung; Berlin (DE); 6.10.2015.
- Schmacht, M; Lorenz, E; Stahl, U; Senz, M (2015) Glutathione overproduction in high cell density continuous cultivation of Saccharomyces spp. [Poster]; 28th International VH Yeast Conference; Berlin (DE); 13.-14.04.2015.
- Kozłowski, K; Jankowski, J; Goodarzi Boroojeni, F; Zentek, J; Senz, M (2015) Comparison of standardized ileal amino acid digestibility of three different pea products in growing turkeys. [Vortrag]; 2015 PSA Annual Meeting; Kentucky (US); 27.-30.07.2015.
- Kozłowski, K; Jankowski, J; Goodarzi Boroojeni, F; Senz, M; Zentek, J (2015) Standardized ileal amino acid digestibility in pea products fed to growing turkeys. [Vortrag]; 20th European Symposium on Poultry Nutrition; Prag (CZ); 24.-27.08.2015.
- Senz, M; Rose, D; Bußler, S; Schlüter, O; Stahl, U (2014) Anwendung von Feststofffermentationsverfahren zur Aufwertung von Körnerleguminosen. [Vortrag]; 7. GDL-Kongress Lebensmitteltechnologie; Rodgau (DE); 16.-18.10.2014.
- Weckmüller, A; Bußler, S; Schneeweiß, R; Senz, M; Schlüter, O; Rawel, H; Rohn, S (2014) Charakterisierung von Proteinen und Protease Inhibitoren aus Pisum sativum - Physikalische und chemische Einflussfaktoren bei der Herstellung innovativer Produkte auf der Basis von Leguminosen. [Vortrag]; 7. GDL-Kongress Lebensmitteltechnologie; Rodgau (DE); 16.-18.10.2014.
- Lorenz, E; Senz, M; Stahl, U (2014) Process development of glutathione enriched yeast production. [Vortrag]; 4. Gemeinsame Konferenz von DGHM und VAAM; Dresden (DE); 05.-08.10.2014.
- Dounia, S; Skelac, L; Ziegler, A; Kron, A; Rädle, M; Stahl, U; Bader, J (2014) Entwicklung eines Querstromfiltrationsmoduls zur Kopplung von Bioreaktoren an eine UHPLC. [Poster]; DECHEMA Infotag Membrantechnik "Neuentwicklungen Cross Flow Filtration - Membranen, Module und Prozesse"; Frankfurt a. M. (DE); 09.04.2014.
- Lorenz, E; Runge, D; Schmidt, L; Stahl U; Bader, J (2014) Process Development for Rhodotorula glutinis: From shake flasks to pilot scale. [Poster]; 3rd BioProScale Symposium; Berlin (DE); 02.-04.04.2014.
- Dounia, S; Schütze, O; Angersbach, A; Bunin, V; Stahl, U; Bader, J (2014) Monitoring of Bacillus Sporulation via Electo-optical Measuring Method (EloTrace®). [Poster]; 3rd BioProScale Symposium; Berlin (DE); 02.-04.04.2014.
- Senz, M (2014) Stabilisierung des Bakteriums Lactobacillus acidophilus in extrudierten Teigmatrizes. [Vortrag]; 43. Wissenschaftliche Informationstagung der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Gesellschaft für Getreideforschung e.V.; Berlin (DE); 17.-18.01.2014.
- Senz, M; Rose, D; Stahl, U (2013) Upgrading the Nutritive Value of Pea Flours by Means of Solid State Fermentation: Microbial Reduction of α-Galactosides. [Poster]; Kooperationsforum Funktionelle Inhaltsstoffe 2013; Bayreuth (DE); 15.10.2013.
- Hageböck, M; Stahl, U; Bader, J (2013) Bioaccessibility of creatine derivates during simulated digestion. [Poster]; Funktionelle Inhaltsstoffe: Food, Kosmetik, Pharma; Bayreuth (DE); 22.10.2013.
- Senz, M (2013) Feststofffermentation von Erbsensubstrat zur Reduktion von alpha-Galactosiden. [Vortrag]; 19. Internationale Wissenschaftliche Tagung Potenziale Pflanzlicher Proteine; Nuthetal (DE); 15.-16.04.2013.
- Dounia, S; Angersbach, A; Bunin, V; Bader, J; Stahl, U (2012) Online Monitoring using EloTrace Measurements for Optimization of Bacterial Fermentations. [Poster]; 2nd BioProScale Symposium; Berlin (DE); 14.-16.03.2012.
- Riedel, S L; Koenig, S; Bader, J; Brigham, C J; Rha, C K; Sinskey, A J; Stahl, U (2012) PHA Production with Ralstonia eutropha from (Waste) Fats. [Poster]; ACHEMA 2012 30th World Exhibition Congress; Frankfurt a. M. (DE); 18.-22.06.2012
- Ziegler, A; Kron, A; Dounia, S; Sturm, D; Bader, J., Rädle, M; Stahl, U (2011) Der selbstoptimierende Fermenter basierend auf HPLC Technologie. [Poster]; 10. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium; Dresden (DE); 05.-07.12.2011.
- Castritius, S; Senz, M; Bader, J; Harms, D; Stahl, U (2011) Determination of morphologic differences of Lactobacillus acidophilus using FTIR-spectroscopy and chemometric model. [Poster]; 1st European Congress of Applied Biotechnology; Berlin (DE), 25.-29.09.2011.
- Meincke, S; Albin, A; Hageböck, M; Hoppe, L; Bader, J; Mast-Gerlach, E; Garbe, L-A; Stahl, U (2011) Production and application of spores of Bacillus subtilis with a high and reproducible resistance against environmental conditions. [Poster]; 1st European Congress of Applied Biotechnology; Berlin (DE), 25.-29.09.2011.
- Dounia, S; Ziegler, A; Stumpf, M; Sturm, D; Bader, J; Rädle, M; Stahl, U (2011) A self optimizing bioreactor based on HPLC-Technology. [Poster]; 1st European Congress of Applied Biotechnology; Berlin (DE), 25.-29.09.2011.
- Baki, I; Schütt, D; Bader, J; Mast-Gerlach, E; Garbe, L-A; Rath, F; Stahl, U (2011) Controlled coculture fermentation for the production of a functional fermented beverage based on renewable resources. [Poster]; 1st European Congress of Applied Biotechnology; Berlin (DE), 25.-29.09.2011.
- Riedel, S; Brigham, C; Bader, J; Neal, M; Budde, C; Chachra, D; Rha, C K; Sinskey, A J (2011) High cell density fermentation of recombinant Ralstonia eutropha and recovery of polyhydroxyalkanoates. [Poster]; 1st European Congress of Applied Biotechnology; Berlin (DE), 25.-29.09.2011.
- Senz, M; Mast-Gerlach, E; Bader, J; Stahl, U (2011) Influence of the fermentation medium on the stability properties of Lactobacillus preparations during processing. [Poster]; International Scientific Conference on Probiotics and Prebiotics - IPC2011; Kaschau (SK); 14.-16.06.2011.
- Hageböck, M; Schütt, D; Bader, J; Mast-Gerlach, E; Garbe, L-A; Stahl, U (2011) A simulated digestion model for metabolization of functional food ingredients. [Poster]; International Scientific Conference on Probiotics and Prebiotics - IPC2011; Kaschau (SK); 14.-16.06.2011.
- Hageböck, M; Bader, J; Mast-Gerlach, E; Stahl, U (2011) Metabolization of functional food ingredients in a simulated digestion model. [Poster]; Internationaler Kongress Forum Life Science 2011; Garching (DE); 23.-24.03.2011.
- Baki, I; Bader, J; Mast-Gerlach, E; Rath, F; Stahl, U (2011) Development of functional beverages based on natural renewable resources. [Poster]; Internationaler Kongress Forum Life Science 2011; Garching (DE); 23.-24.03.2011.
- Baki, I; Bader, J; Mast-Gerlach, E; Rath, F; Stahl, U (2010) Innovative fermented beverages based on malted cereals and the addition of fruits. [Poster]; 16th IFU congress; Istanbul (TR); 02.-05.05.2010.
- Senz, M; Mast-Gerlach, E; Bader, J; Stahl, U (2009) Prozesstechnische Stabilisierung von probiotischen Milchsäurebakterien. [Poster]; Auftaktveranstaltung des Innovationszentrums Technologien für Gesundheit und Ernährung IGE der TU Berlin; Berlin (DE); 18.09.2009.
Martin Senz

Dr.-Ing. Martin Senz
Geschäftsfeldentwicklung Forschung