Research Institute for Raw Materials (FIR)
The VLB Research Institute for Raw Materials offers
- research
- consultancy
- analyses
covering all aspects of cereal based raw materials for brewing and malting purposes.
- Analysis and assessment of malting barley, wheat and other cereals
- Varietal testing and recommendations worldwide: Spring barley, winter barley, wheat
- Varietal identification of barley and malt in commercial samples using protein electrophoresis and DNA diagnostics
- Malt analysis: Evaluation of the technical quality of cereals involving hand evaluation, grain and malt analysis
- Enzyme analysis: Amylase, Grenzdextrinase limit dextrinase, protease, glucanase, xylase, LOX
- Micro maltings: (2 g to 200 kg) according to standard of or customized malting programms
- Examination of the hygienic status of malting cereals and malt – mould contamination, mycotoxins, gushing
- Residue analysis: Heavy metals, pesticides and other contaminants
- Contract research in all areas of the production of raw materials for breeders, farmers, grain traders and the malting and brewing industry
Accredited testing laboratory according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018, DAkkS Reg. Nr.: D-PL-14173-01-00
Nils Rettberg

Head of Institute
Dr.-Ing. Nils Rettberg
Head of Research Institute FIBGA