The Versuchs- und Lehranstalt fuer Brauerei in Berlin (Research and Teaching Institute for Brewing in Berlin) was founded in 1883 by the German brewing and malting industry. It provides research, training, education and service for the brewing industry.
In 1898 VLB moved to its premises at the Seestreet 13, where it is located until today. From 1898 to 1981 VLB conducts the famous "Hochschul Brauerei", which had brewed in the late 1920ies up to 45,000 hl beer per year.
Today VLB is the sole holder of the Institut für Gärungsgewerbe und Biotechnologie zu Berlin (IfGB) - Institute for Fermentation and Biotechnology Berlin.
In the fall of 2017, the VLB moved into its new training and education center, which was built on the back of the site at Seestraße 13. The majority of the old buildings went into the sole use of the TU Berlin or the Charité. Pictures of our new institute can be found here