The Certified Brewmaster Course 2021 ended on 23 July. The graduates received their certificates “safe and sound”. This is a relief for everyone involved, says VLB Managing Director Dr. Josef Fontaine. "We worried until the last day whether we could manage this course." Against the background of the pandemic, the performance of the participants is remarkable. At the same time, Fontaine also praised the commitment of the VLB employees, who contributed to the success of the Brewmaster training in front of and behind the scenes.
"The first Certified Brewmaster Course, which took place in the hybrid format from the start, comes to an end today," began Dr. Fontaine his address to the graduates - and their families and friends who were connected via zoom. He has been with VLB for more than 30 years. But the situation has never been as extraordinary as it was in these months, the VLB managing director added.
In January 29 participants from 16 nations took part in block 1 (theory) of the Certified Brewmaster training. Most of them followed the lectures online, only a few were on site in Berlin from the start. Partly under difficult conditions, 19 graduates from 7 countries managed to travel to Berlin for block 2 (practice) in May. A participant who had to drop out of training last year due to a pandemic joined the practical part of the course. Accordingly, 20 Brewmasters from 8 nations accepted the coveted certificate.
Course coordinator Heike Flohr dismissed her students with a crying and laughing eye. “It always makes me sad when the participants leave. But this year there is also relief in addition to sadness. Because those who were able to come to Berlin finish the course safely,” said Flohr happily. And that's what really matters after all.
20 students successfully completed the first Certified Brewmaster Course, which was designed as a hybrid from the start
Burghard Meyer

Heike Flohr