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  1. Outstanding response to the 1st African Brewing Conference in Ethiopia

    … the conference covered topics along the supply chain of beer production, such as brewing with barley and nonbarley … included a strategic outlook on the developments of the beer markets in East Africa, one of the regions with the … and learn from one another to further develop the beer market in the region”, said Allyson Fish, Global …

  2. Craft Brewing in Practice - Hands-on Course

    … field of craft and micro brewing.  It covers the basics of beer brewing in theory and practice. The lectures will cover … treatment Fermentation & maturation Basics of beer filtration Basics of filling Application of … management in micro breweries   Different aspects of beer and flavour stability Quality control for pub …

  3. Compañía Cervecera de Nicaragua new VLB member

    … Central American investors, is Nicaragua's market leader in beer and beverages. Total beer production in thia country, which currently has a … is 1135, and the total annual production volume of beer, water and soft drinks in 2020 was 2.89 million hl. CCN …

  4. Cervecería Kunstmann from Chile new VLB Member

    … products and wine. Chile, however, is also a country with a beer tradition: Numerous immigrants from Europe also brought beer from the mid-19th century and founded breweries in the … Kunstmann is currently brewing around 150,000 hl of beer per year and is also present with its products beyond …

  5. Bangkok Brewing Conference 2022 - Successful new start in Southeast Asia

    … Co. The event was jointly organised by the Thailand Beer Industry Guild (TBIG) and VLB Berlin for the sixth time … beverages since 2003. In 2019, the company also entered the beer business and commissioned a brewery with a 50-hl … Brewing Conference is a joint project of the Thailand Beer Industry Guild (TBIG) and the VLB Berlin. First held in …

  6. Craft Brewing Online

    … “Craft Brewing Online” covers the basics of beer brewing in the small-scale. The three lecture sessions … treatment Fermentation & maturation Basics of beer filtration Basics of filling Application of … management in micro breweries   Different aspects of beer and flavour stability Quality control for pub …

  7. Analytikverzeichnis

    … Non-alcoholic beverages Beer analysis Cereals … - Select - (Raw) alcohol / spirits Beer, mash, wort Consumables Hops / hop components … Field of application - Select - Beer yeast, top-fermented Beer yeast, bottom-fermented …

  8. Brewing Conference Bangkok 2024 – A return to old strengths

    … The event was again jointly organized by the Thailand Beer Industry Guild (TBIG) and VLB Berlin. Following … Brewing Conference is a joint project of the Thailand Beer Industry Guild (TBIG) and the VLB Berlin. First held in … Manakul (TBIG/Pentair) Thailand Beer Industry Guild (TBIG) Delegate …

  9. Nutrient media

    … include special detection media for the analysis of beer, wort and water. Filtered and non-filtered samples can be tested for beer and beverage-spoiling microorganisms. Using our … Non-alcoholic beverages Beer analysis …

  10. Department of Special Analysis & Research

    … of Special Analysis deals with the instrumental analysis of beer, mixed beer beverages, non-alcoholic beverages, spirits, their raw …