VLB Covid-19 regulations
With the amendment of the Corona Ordinances of the Federal Government and the State of Berlin and Brandenburg on 2 February 2023, the Corona-ArbSchV is also prematurely repealed. In accordance with the legal provisions and the continuing decline in incidence in Berlin and Brandenburg, the hygiene rules at the VLB will also be adapted.
This concerns in particular:
- Abolition of the obligation to wear masks in external offices and laboratories.
- Abolition of the obligation to use the passenger lift individually
- Mobile working at home is still possible.
- Separate information will be provided for individual events and semianrs.
Nonetheless, we recommend that all staff and visitors continue to wear a mask when they are with many people in confined spaces, in their own interest and also to protect others.
This information page will be updated if needed.
Gerhard Andreas Schreiber

Gerhard Andreas Schreiber
Managing Director (CFO)